Creating Job From Estimate

Creating Job From Estimate

Creating a Job from an Estimate

Once you create an Estimate in BizScheduler, you can click the [Create Job] button at the bottom of the Edit Estimate screen. When you do this, BizScheduler goes to the active Calendar so you can click the Calendar Grid location for the Date/Time/Worker when the Job will begin. Once you select the starting point for the Job you are taken to the Job Info screen for the newly created Job. You can then set the end time of the Job, add additional Workers, and any other changes needed to finalize the Job.

The Actual column for each service is automatically set to the value used in the Estimate. If a Range was used in the Estimate, then the lower value is used for the Actual. If you do not want the Actual price set automatically from the Estimate (the default action), you can suppress this feature by changing the Create Job From Estimate Suppress Actual setting in the Configuration Options, found in the Hub under the Configuration / Setup section
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