Add a Credit Card Fee or Finance Charge to a Job
More and more companies find it necessary to offset the cost of credit card processing fees. Some raise their prices and others want to show it as a separate charge. BizScheduler provides a feature to help automate adding this fee as a line item of your Job Services and therefore your invoicing.
To set it up, first make sure that you have a Service in BizScheduler that has the rate you want to use. For example:
Then go into Configuration Options under the Setup/Configuration section of the Hub and go to the Auto Finance Charge Service Name setting. Select the Service that will be used to calculate the fee:
Once those two items are set, you will see an Add finance charge icon at the right side of the Total line on your Job Info screen:
When you click it, it will add a line to the services based on the Service Rate that you set and multiply it by the Total of the Job:
If you make a change to the job that changes the Job Total and need to update the Finance Charge, you can click the Trash Can icon for the Finance Charge line which will delete that entry and show the Add finance charge icon again, making the calculation a click-away once more.